The 6th Global Forum on Health Promotion is less than three weeks away!

On October 16-17, delegates from across Canada and around the world will gather in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Ottawa Charter, discuss the links between health promotion and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and create a major civil society declaration on health promotion: the PEI Declaration.

A select number of organizations from the health & sustainable development sectors will have the opportunity to exhibit their products or services during the 6th Global Forum on Health Promotion. Exhibitors benefit from networking with delegates, recognition within the Forum program and website, as well as numerous opportunities to profile your organization and reach a captive, international health promotion audience.

To request an exhibit space, apply here:

To register for the 6th Global Forum, click here:

Find us on Facebook and take part in pre-Forum discussions:

ghp-a4hp-workshop-16-nov-2015-ghp-s-deshpriya-2229-lDelegates at the 5th Global Forum on Health Promotion in Geneva, Switzerland in 2015